Download the ARIN AT COP 27: Consolidating Evidence for Africa's Climate Voice document

ARIN AT COP 27: Consolidating Evidence for Africa's Climate Voice
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The 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) takes place amidst unprecedented
global challenges, some of which have been aggravated by COVID-19, and the war in Ukraine. For African countries, the COP27 promises progress with the renewed Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and the delivery of finance, that is estimated at USD 140 billion annually and may escalate to USD 300 billion by 2030.
The financial commitment by the developed countries may not adequately facilitate the implementation of the NDCs and other climate actions hence it is imperative for countries to carry analysis of the challenges and opportunities available in realizing their adaptation priorities. This analysis is also critical in addressing wider concerns around climate justice in Africa such as the exclusion of women and youth in the climate discourse. Women are disproportionately harmed by climate change yet they are able to co-design solutions that are essential in transforming food systems and boosting resilience. It is therefore vital that their voices are heard in the decision making.The youth hold immense potential in the climate discourse and a clear understanding of climate plans and the financing structure can accelerate and accomplish specified climate actions
and targets.

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